Day 6 Assistive Technologies


Day 6 –Learn about assistive technologies, and share one you liked (hardware).

Assistive technology refers to devices or systems that help maintain or improve a person’s ability to do things in everyday life. These can assist with a range of difficulties, including problems with memory and mobility.

Assistive technologies include not only High Tech tools but some are also Low tech &  without tech too. Examples are as followers.

While exploring the assistive technologies I came across a refreshable braille display which is a reading aid for blind or visually impaired people.

Refreshable Braille Displays (RBD) are peripheral devices that display braille characters, usually raising and lowering dots through holes in a flat surface. Users can input braille using the 6 or 8 key Perkins-style braille keyboard. An RBD can be paired with a computer, tablet or smartphone via Bluetooth connection and/or a chord.

Here is a short video on how the Refreshable Braille Display works.


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