Day 10 An ecommerce system has been launched, you have to do a smoke test. Share what you would test.

SMOKE TESTING, also known as “Build Verification Testing”, is a type of software testing that comprises a non-exhaustive set of tests that aim at ensuring that the most important functions work. The result of this testing is used to decide if a build is stable enough to proceed with further testing.

So, to Smoke Test an e-commerce app/website you’ll have to think about what’s

most important to the site. Depending on the site, you can check the following. 

  • Able to register as a new customer

  • Able to login to the website as a registered customer

  • Able to login to the website as a guest customer

  • Able to log off 

  • Able to search for the  product

  • Able to browse the product

  • Able to add the product in cart

  • Able to remove the product in cart

  • Able to change the quantities in the cart

  • Able to complete the order 

  • Checking deals, discounts and coupons

  • Checking out with different payment methods

  • Able to cancel the order

  • Confirmation email after placing  order (If applicable)

  • Browser compatibility


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